Faculty Support
The Office for Faculty Affairs works with every college and unit across campus to provide faculty with the resources they need to advance their career and achieve academic success. Faculty have access to travel assistance, campus-wide resources, faculty benefits and more.
Full-time faculty at assistant and associate professor ranks can apply for travel assistance if they are presenting original scholarship as a primary author at a national/international professional conference or creative activity at a national or international exhibition.
Resources are available for faculty across campus in addition to the programs that are provided by Faculty Affairs. Faculty have access to teaching resources, research support, technology assistance and more.
The University of Arkansas regularly receives feedback from faculty through surveys as well as provides reports and data on the university community, academic programs and enrollment.
The handbook is a collection of information about the university, such as Board of Trustees policy statements, Fayetteville Policies and Procedures, and Academic Policies.
View academic policies related to teaching, class schedules, exams, and faculty evaluations, among other topics.
The university provides faculty with a variety of benefits to attract and retain top talent, including a spousal hiring program, health insurance, wellness offerings and more.