Travel Assistance Program

As part of the Provost's commitment to supporting faculty development and enhancement, full-time tenure or non-tenure assistant and associate professors are eligible to apply for travel assistance if they are presenting original scholarship as a primary author at a national/international professional conference or creative activity at an exhibition, performance, or other related professional venue.

Up to 20 applicants could receive up to $700 of travel assistance if selected/accepted to present as a primary author, artist, or performer.   Before travel, an expense authorization should be completed through the home department. To receive reimbursement, awardees must submit their expense report number in Workday to the Office for Faculty Affairs upon completion of their travel.

Applicants must:

  • Be accepted or invited to a professional conference, exhibition, or performance.
  • Be primary author, artist, or performer.
  • Receive endorsement from their department chair/head as part of the application packet. 
  • Be 100% appointed faculty. 
  • For international travel, please provide expense authorization while applying for travel funding. 
  • Acknowledge receiving funding support from the Provost's Office. 

Applications will open in November for the Spring 2025 conference travel cycle.