Surveys, Data and Reports

The University of Arkansas regularly receives feedback from faculty through surveys as well as provides reports and data on the university community, academic programs and enrollment.


The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) is a research initiative hosted by the Harvard Graduate School of Education that offers universities the opportunity to gauge faculty opinions on a variety of academic and campus life subjects and to compare responses with self-selected peers. View the results from the last COACHE Survey at

The COACHE Survey will be administered again in February 2025.  Information garnered from the survey will be used in policy-making and future recruitment and management of faculty talent.

Campus Data

Campus data, such as the number of faculty, number of students, and the number of degrees awarded, is managed by the Office of Strategic Analytics & Insights and can be found at The Office of Strategic Analytics and Insights accurately and objectively compiles, analyzes, and delivers information about the University of Arkansas community to internal and external audiences.

Academic Program Reports

All academic programs at the university are required to maintain an assessment plan and submit an annual assessment report by June 1 of each year.  Learn more and view assessment reports.

All undergraduate and graduate programs, centers, offices and institutes housed in a department are subject to academic program review.  Learn more about academic program review.

The university's general education core curriculum must be reviewed periodically as required by UA System Board of Trustees and the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Learn more about the general education curriculum.