Leadership program

Mentoring Programs

Quality mentorship is crucial to faculty success.  Faculty Affairs provides mentoring workshops for new faculty and postdocs as well as workshops to help faculty become more effective mentors for graduate students.

Bridge Program

The Bridge Program is a mentoring program for new faculty to help them transition to the U of A. This program includes a seven-session fall workshop series and provides mentorship and onboarding resources to new faculty by using best practices and an innovative and comprehensive team-based approach. Learn more.

Mentoring Graduate Students Workshop

This eight-session series offers a fun and informative way for all faculty to learn how to mentor, inspire, manage, and professionally develop their graduate student mentees. Learn more.

Postdoctoral Professional Development Workshop Series

 Faculty Affairs, in partnership with the Division of Research and Innovation, offers a year-long workshops series for postdoctoral researchers and scholars.  The workshop  provides participants with overall career guidance, research support, networking opportunities and more.  Space is limited for this workshop, and the application is open in late summer.

Peer Mentoring Circles

Peer Mentoring Circles provide support outside faculty’s home department and encourage connections between faculty members across campus. Peer Mentoring Circles are facilitated by more seasoned colleagues.  The Circles meet once per month to learn from each other and discuss challenges and successes in an inclusive and supportive environment.  Learn more.