Peer Mentoring Circles

Faculty succeed when they have a network of mentors at different stages in their academic career. The Office of Faculty Affairs provides a mentoring structure outside of a faculty member’s home department that promotes honest and open dialogue about challenges, successes, and issues experienced by faculty participants. The goal is not to replace department-level mentoring, but to add an additional layer of support for pre-tenure, tenured, and non-tenure track faculty. Faculty facilitators will lead small groups of 5 to 8 and convene monthly meetings during the nine-month academic year. Facilitators must be at a career stage one milestone or greater than members of their group. No member of a group—facilitator or mentees-will be from the same department or program. Peer mentoring has the great potential to  create new connections across colleges and disciplines and provides faculty members an opportunity to participate in non-judgmental, inclusive, and supportive conversations. Peer Mentoring Circles will be organized based on faculty status and professional and/or personal challenges indicated on the data survey.

If you are a mid-career or senior faculty member and interested in serving as a Peer Mentoring Circle Facilitator, please fill out the survey and submit a current CV. Facilitators will receive training and also meet as a group occasionally to share ideas. Facilitators will receive a stipend of $1,000. 

If you interested in joining a Peer Mentor Circle cohort, sign up today. You will be matched with a faculty facilitator and group of peers based on your data survey. To participate you must be able to attend mentoring sessions once per month during the academic year.

Download this flyer for more information and to share this opportunity with your colleagues.