Leadership Programs
Faculty Affairs facilitates participation in programs offered by the Southeastern Conference and works with other academic units on campus to provide leadership opportunities for our faculty.
Council of Chairs Series
Throughout the year, workshops are available for department chairs and heads to provide them with information on campus matters, new developments, and best practices. The workshops occur twice per semester and provide an opportunity for chairs/heads to share their expertise, successes, and challenges. Workshops are led by faculty, staff, and administrators with demonstrated expertise in the session topic. All department chairs and heads are strongly encouraged to attend.
Summer and Winter Chairs/Heads Institute
Faculty Affairs offers more in-depth workshops twice a year, summer and winter, to assist chairs in their role as academic leaders. Topics vary based on need but typically include, managing change, managing people and conflict, faculty mentoring and evaluation, recruitment, retention, and faculty development. The Summer Institute takes place late July/early August over the course of two days. The Winter Institute is a one event that takes place at the beginning of January. Institutes are led by faculty, staff, and administrators with demonstrated expertise in the session topic. All department chairs and heads are strongly encouraged to attend.
SEC Academic Leadership Development Program
The SEC Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP) identifies academic leaders and provides growth opportunities to advance their leadership skills and roles within their university and the SEC. This program includes three components — a university-level development program designed by each institution for its fellows, two SEC-wide three-day workshops held at specified SEC universities for all program participants and a competitive alum fellowship, which provides select former fellows with additional development opportunities. Each SEC university selects up to four fellows to participate in the program each year. At the University of Arkansas, SEC ALDP fellows are nominated by the academic deans and selected by a committee appointed by the Provost. Meet the U of A's 2024 SEC ALDP Fellows.
Provost's Fellow Program
The Provost's Fellow Program provides administrative leadership experience for the U of A faculty. The Provost's Fellow works on a project of strategic importance to the university. The fellowship is for one academic year but can be renewed for up to three years. Depending on the nature of the project, we issue calls for applications or consult academic deans for nominations. Meet the Provost's Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year.
UA ENGAGE Leadership Exploration Program
The UA ENGAGE Leadership Exploration Program was launched in 2022 to increase the engagement of women faculty in leadership roles across the U of A campus. The program involves four sessions in the spring semester. Sessions cover leadership values, skills and strengths. View more information.