Women's Leadership Exploration Program

The Women's Leadership Exploration Program launched in 2022 to increase the engagement of women faculty in leadership roles across the U of A campus. The program involves four sessions in the spring semester.  Sessions cover leadership values, skills and strengths. 


To increase the engagement of female faculty in leadership roles across our UA Colleges.


Many faculty do not think of themselves as leaders or seriously consider leadership opportunities, and this may be especially true of female faculty who see UA leadership roles disproportionately held by male colleagues. The ENGAGE Women’s Leadership Exploration Program is targeting this challenging problem faced by Colleges.

What the Leadership Exploration Program offers

The program involves one 2-hour session per month, over a period of four-months in the spring semester. This cohort-based program uses a flexible flipped classroom model, with pre-work (readings, videos) used as preparation for face-to-face sessions. These sessions will consist of discussions with peers, panels with women in leadership roles, as well as talks by experts.

The topics covered include:

  1. Identification of leadership values and strengths
  2. Recognition and formation of critical leadership skills
  3. Creation of a toolkit that supports mental and physical health
  4. Construction of a leadership intention map to guide future experiences and exploration

Getting involved

Nominate women faculty in your College who you believe could be leaders on committees, in programs, in departments, in research centers, in the College, on campus or elsewhere. Because this is a leadership exploration program, include women (of any rank) who may not currently identify themselves as leaders. Please note that the program is targeted to tenured female STEM faculty, but if there is space, others will be considered.

For each nominee, please send the following nomination information facdev@uark.edu:

  1. Nominee Name, Rank, and Department
  2. One to two sentences that describe why you believe this Nominee might be an effective academic leader.